Saturday, November 1, 2014

THAT'S more like it

Having showered and "freshened up", I felt ready to go and embarked on a walking tour. I set out with my map and after having a pointless "conversation" with a nice old Czech lady who didn't speak a single word of English, I hopped on a tram, panicked because I only had 500 whatever-the-Czech-currency-is notes and didn't see anyone I should be paying (are these trams free? Do I need a card?) I hopped off at the next stop before I could be accosted. Turns out it's an easy walk to the pretty part of Prague (and when I came back I realized that my hotel is right next to a MASSIVE new mall, with a nice big bookshop containing every book ever only in Czech) so I don't feel so cheated after all. Anyway, here is a sampling of the pictures I took, proving that Prague is not the ugliness I saw on my way in, but ridiculously pretty. (Well, it's both, of course, but we'll ignore the graffiti-strewn concrete tower blocks part. Sidenote: why does graffiti look the same every where? Did they import Americans to do that Graffiti? If so, they imported a lot of them.)


The Cushanderingsons said...

The trams aren't free but I was told that the tram payment system is so complicated that non-locals are encouraged to not attempt them--just stick to walking and cabs.

The Cushanderingsons said...

Apparently you buy tickets at a tobacconist (which are all over the place, although not so omnipresent as the bars) and they vary in price depending on the length of time they apply. I'm going to try using public transport on the way back to the airport, but for now I'm walking.