Sunday, November 2, 2014

A walk in the mist II: Economic Divide

This is going to really annoy Jami, because I'm supposed to plan ahead and get everything in the right order.  But too bad.
 This was nestled in amongst the plush dwellings.  It's quite the amazing ruin.
 As you can see, there are cars parked in front, but I can't believe that people actually live in it.  I think this is just a free place to park your car.
 Above the hotel was a nice park, but this wall marked the upper boundary of it.  More evidence of the Czech enthusiasm for graffiti.

 Then this.  It really was remarkably shabby and Soviet-like.  There were several identical ones, actually numbered.  It was like something out of Clockwork Orange.
In this case, I think people actually were living in there, but it's pretty hard to imagine.