Friday, October 31, 2014


This morning Frederick plotted out an intense agenda: breakfast, drawing, trip to Dale's, head out to Seven Lakes Park for a walk, back home for lunch, then out to Lapeer Rec Center for a refreshing dip in the pool, back home for a snack, play piano, eat dinner and then head out to Ann Arbor for music with Mr. Mike. (Then, home, bath, more food and evening relaxation. Phew!) Given that it was just above freezing and sleeting this morning, I wasn't looking forward to much on this list. (And I am still not excited about a trip to Ann Arbor, given that the wind has picked up to a screeching howl and the freezing rain hasn't let up yet today.) Frederick was very excited to show me his usual walk route. We bundled up (or, he did since he was wearing my winter boots because a certain someone insisted that Frederick "had nice boots" and so I didn't buy any new ones for him and now I realize that that certain someone was mistaking MY boots for Frederick's. Well SOMEONE is going to have cold feet this winter...) and headed out across the moors. I can't see what I am photographing when I push the button on my phone, but you get a bit of an idea of what the weather was like: After about 20 minutes Frederick just stopped walking. I asked if he wanted to keep going or head back to the car. He answered by turning and taking off at a fast run. At home tea hit the spot. But then we had to head out to the damn pool. Again he was over the moon with excitement, until he spun around in the whirlpool for about 10 minutes and then turned deathly green. We're lucky we made it to the car before the dry heaves arrived. In about 20 minutes we head out AGAIN, this time to Ann Arbor. What drama will we encounter on this trip?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Phew! I'm exhausted just imagining it - so much energy!
