Sunday, November 30, 2014

Decorating the tree, pt. 2

I find decorating a tree exhausting, and so stretch out the process from November, through December and into early January. It doesn't help that, no matter how carefully I store away Christmas decorations every year, all the light strings die (not a single one made it through the summer this year---all into the garbage) and the ornament hooks knot themselves into a massive wad of thin wire. Who does this during the summer months?
Since Sylvester has already taken to climbing the tree, unplugging the lights and scooting the tree skirt across the room, no breakable ornaments will go onto the tree this year--with one exception. Up at the VERY TOP, out of the reach of all paws, Frederick placed one of the ornaments he made in his clay class this past month. The rest, an army of gingerbread men (some decorated with stone texture and glazed dark green look very much like a 60's Dr. Who Alien) are required to stay on our dining room table right next to his drawing supplies so he can admire them as he works.
The bottom half of the tree is a mess (thanks Sylvester!) but the top 4' looks quite nice.

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