Saturday, November 8, 2014

Up to the castle

 Jami photographed this when she came to Prague, so I had to prove that this is really me taking it.  Apparently it's to commemorate the end of communism, or something.  It's right near the bottom of the funicular up the the Eiffel Tower-y thing.
 But to get to the castle, you have to walk on further.  ON FURTHER!
 Past big doors.
 Lots of big doors.
 It was a lovely sunny day, as you can see, which seems to be rare in Prague this time of year.
 Granny peeks into the frame.
 And so the ascent begins.
 Past EVEN BIGGER doors.
 And up this street, the sight of which made Granny's heart sink into her throbbing feet.
 If anything, this part of Prague is EVEN MORE picturesque than before.

 I don't think the paint is that old.
 At last - the view from the top.
 And here's the castle.  More of a palace if you ask me.

 At first we thought the crowds of people outside the gate were waiting to pay, but they were just waiting in tour bus groups.  So we ventured in.
 And found an inner square like this:
 And the famous St. Vitus Cathedral.  "We've got cathedrals" pointed out Peter, helpfully, "Like Durham!"
 "And Wells.  And Exeter..."
 For purposes of scale.
 The obligatory Japanese schoolchildren, complete with facemasks, to shield from ebola, presumably.
So much to see!

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