Saturday, November 1, 2014

Things I have learned about the Czech Republic and its people

* They are all VERY strict about waiting for the green man before they cross the road.  This might be because there are a lot of trams, but seems to apply even when there is no traffic to be seen (not even Segways)
* There is always an attendant, usually sitting looking at an iPad.  This applies even in public lavatories.
*. They do not believe in bringing you the bill in restaurants until you've sat with your empty plates for a good half an hour.
* There are no fat young women.  Fat people are not really fat, they're just plump, and they're older.
* Everybody is blond (or at least "fair") with rather severe features.  Russian influence?
* They are not over-friendly (not much eye contact on the street) but they will help you if you ask, even if they really have no idea what you're saying.

* They don't just like tea. They LOVE tea. * And baked goods in great profusion * Even very mysterious ones. (But they don't like you photographing them - after I took this picture, the lady in the booth looked at me sternly and shook her head, as if this was a display in a museum. I felt very small. But as a result, I didn't buy anything from her, so sucks to her.) * They also regard pizza (of which they are also inordinately fond, judging by the number of "pizzerias") as a baked good, to be stacked willy-nilly. * Just as they gave the word "Robot" to the world, they have contributed "Botel" for the combination of Boat and Hotel. Okay, I'm reaching now, so here are a few more pictures that I took in the morning before the conference. None after, as it seems to get dark around 4 here.
See what I mean about the Segways?
See what I mean about the graffiti?

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