Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bindon Cottage

In the morning (Tuesday) I was allowed a certain allotment of wallowing in nostalgia, so I opted to visit the house I lived in from when I was aged 6 to 16. Turns out it still belongs to the people we sold it to in 1985. Here's what it looks like:

The top window visible here was my bedroom. It was (and is) 8 foot square.

Here's the garden - a lot tidier than I remember.  My friend Shaun Hendy lived just over the crest of the hill you can see here.  The Hendys still live there, apparently.

The kitchen. Amazingly enough, that drying rack hanging from the ceiling is the same one we installed, probably in 1980.
Pretty, isn't it? I knocked off one of those curvy bits with a tennis ball once. They have been replaced many times, says the current owner (Jill).

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