Saturday, November 8, 2014

Barbies galore

 I spotted this in the castle grounds on our way out, and I couldn't resist.
 Has it really been 50 years?  How the time has flown.
 There were two floors (that you reached after going up a VERY long set of fine wooden stairs), the first of which had general toys, mostly old.
 Like this.
 I remember these dead-eyed miserable dolls from the Salzburg toy museum.  Child abuse was rampant back then, clearly.

 One of the selling points of this museum (to the thrifty older folk amongst us) was that you could see these famous colorful workers' cottages (Golden Lane) out of the window, that you would otherwise have pay a lot more to see.  It was enough to lure Granny and Peter up all those steps, anyway.
 Yeesh.  These are all coin banks.
 And these simply fall under the heading "nightmare fuel".
 Can't go wrong with robots, at least.  Did you know "Robot" was a Czech word?  You did?
 And back to the nightmare fuel.  Or should I say "a jolly European Christmas"
 I assume this is Black Peter, with his twigs for lashing little ingrates.
 And this must be Krampus, without which Christmas is simply enjoyable, and not the terrifying ordeal it should really be.
 Up to the Barbies.
 And a smattering of Kens.
 Ah, the eighties.
 Wait, what are the Stooges doing here?
 An actual roof tiler out of the actual window.
 Now THIS is MY childhood.  Action Man!  With the gripping hands and eagle eyes!
 But soon we're back to the star of the whole thing.
At this point, I had to dash off, leaving the older folk to fend for themselves.

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