Saturday, November 8, 2014

Another Sleety Saturday

Today is another gloomy, rainy very cold day. So of course Frederick wanted to go to For-Mar. This time (as opposed to yesterday evening) I was better prepared and dressed him in his heavy winter coat and brought gloves and hat (no longer is Frederick he polar bear impervious to the cold--he complained loudly today, several times, that it was "too cold--MUCH too cold!" How is he ever going to manage in February?) but I didn't think about footwear and so he was wearing tennis shoes that were quickly soaked through. (I was not nearly as silly for myself and wore comfortable, water resistant boots.) After going a completely different way than the way we went last week or yesterday, it wasn't long before I had NO IDEA where we were. I have never seen this building before in my life and signs dotted about that read, "Private! No Admittance!" did not give me confidence. Frederick, however, knew exactly where he was going--or so he claimed.

These mown paths seemed to go on for miles. At each split in the path, I asked, "Where ARE WE?!?" but Frederick would only laugh--and the take off like a shot, running at top speed. There's a reason we dress him in neon orange.
I know where we are now.
I know a certain two turtles that might like to join the herd of turtles living here...

1 comment:

The Cushanderingsons said...

That's where they keep all the lawnmowers. I'm SURE you've been there before!