Friday, November 21, 2014

Slipping on the sliding ice...

So: I was driving back from dropping Thomas off at school this morning and had just stopped off at Kroger to pick up some things (including eggs - which turned out not to be a good idea as you shall see) and told Jami how much better the roads were this morning than yesterday (sinister music starts playing), when, I was just coming round a corner by the little airport they have on the way and I saw a cop car by the side of the road. "Ooh, better slow down a bit," I thought (I was actually not going fast anyway, but I've been burned by cops before) when suddenly...
Yes, that is a view of the underside of my car, as viewed from the back seat of... the cop's car.  This was after he had helped me climb out of the passenger side door, which was on top.  It was a surreal experience.  I span completely around and went on to the median and was scared I would be carried in to the oncoming traffic.  Then, ever so slowly (it seemed), I went up on my side.  I thought I was going to end up on my roof, but it stopped.  Then I was worried that when I stood up I would tip it over (images of the last scene of The Italian Job came to mind), but I got out all right.  Here are some more pictures of my poor car:

As you can see, the lights are still on.  In fact, everything was still on, including the radio, playing serenely.  And it turned out that that was a good thing.  The cop called a tow truck (the driver told me he had a deal with the police for just such occasions - very canny) who pulled it over on to its wheels.  Before doing so he told me that it was very unlikely that I would be able to drive it, because (a) oil normally pools in the top of the engine, and (b) sometimes coming down on the wheels blows out the tires (or tyres, for our non-American readers).  Neither happened, however, and it was drivable, the only clear damage being the driver-side wing mirror.  I've made an appointment to take it into the dealer ASAP (which, unfortunately, is Monday, so I won't be driving it until then) to check it over.  The cop also gave me a ticket for "driving too fast for the conditions" which he clearly expected me to challenge, as indeed I bloody well will.  The fact that he was already there because somebody else had just spun out on exactly that spot suggests there was a problem (a truck came and salted it as we were waiting for the tow truck - talk about closing the stable door) and how can I be held accountable for the conditions?  Bloody cheek.  Still, he did help me out of the car.  Exciting times - like a very expensive (and short) rollercoaster ride.  Oh, and it turns out only one of the eggs broke.


Unknown said...

B*g***r the eggs! You were OK. Hope you and the car recover swiftly. Snow? Huh?!!?


The Cushanderingsons said...

Yes - I am rather miraculously completely unaffected. The car had a lot of warning lights on for a while but they've gone out too! Fingers crossed.