Sunday, November 9, 2014

Flashback to Tuesday

 Continuing the "making up for bad WiFi of the past" theme, here's some pictures I didn't post of my flying visit to the South West of England.  This is the room I stayed in.  Thomas might recognize it.  Lots of maps.  Grandpa loves his maps.
 The back garden.
 What's on in Taddyforde.
 Where I went THIRTY YEARS ago.  I pause to let that sink in a little.  It's not like it was in my day.
 Ah yes, if you peek round the fancy new bits, the big ugly building that I remember is still there.
 Views of Devon from the new expansion to Grandpa and Margaret's domain.  (They have annexed a piece over their garage and near the entrance to Taddyforde.  Grandpa has Plans.)
 The view down from the heights into the dining room.
 A pond.
 Grandpa planning.  Always planning.
 The neighbors, who can be unfriendly.  But soon they, like all others that stand in Grandpa's way, will fall.
 The kitchen's been remodeled.  Very fancy.
 Off we set for parts Northern.  But Grandpa has to stop off at Tiverton Tescos (whose plan he knows well from visits to Grandma) to buy fireworks.  I head for the tea aisle and am amazed by the (a) amazing profusion of teabag types, and (b) complete lack of loose leaf tea.  Feast your eyes!

[ Here's where all the Bindon Cottage pictures would go if we were doing this in the right order.]
 Here's the pub halfway between Wellington and Taunton where we met Delia for lunch.
And here's an amazing rainbow we saw on our drive North (near Brent Knoll as I recall).  It was actually a double rainbow, and I reacted much as in the famous YouTube video.

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