Thursday, November 6, 2014

Slack Top/Bottom and thereabouts

While waiting for the rest of the extended clan to arrive for The Scattering Of Grandma's Ashes, her son and grandson went for a walk around the son's old haunts. First stop: where I remember visiting Grandma before she moved down to Somerset to help out with watching my sister and me. A row of cottages called Crown Point.
Hers (and Grandpa's) was the leftmost one. What you can't see is that there's a detached house to the left which was where Ted Hughes' parents lived. That's why Silvia Plath is buried in Heptonstall graveyard.
Here's Jeremy (known to the family as Grandpa, even though the person being scattered, my Grandma, is his mother - follow?) surveying his old stomping grounds.
We had to retrace our steps several times before we managed to break through the profusion of new posh estates and find this path. The phrase "It wasn't like this in MY day" became quite the refrain.
Here you get some idea of the lethalness (lethality?) of the drop. How many drunken Yorkshiremen fell to their death coming home from the pub along here?
Of course I'm adorable here, but I am actually recreating a picture from my youth. I need Sophy to be sitting in front of me, and a deflated balloon to be clutched in my right hand, really.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look pretty good without Sophy or the balloon.
