Sunday, November 2, 2014

Scenes from the mall

As I said, next to my hotel is a massive fancy mall. It seems to be largely taken over by British and American chains, though.  (Or stores that are pretending to be American:)
But there is the odd store like this:

This is just to taunt Jami.  (I mean the quilt shop, not the finger in front of the lens.)
If only I'd known - I've already asked for a ton of M&S garments to be waiting for me in England.
Most of the mall is taken up with a giant Tesco's.  A TWO STORY Tesco's.  With this fancy escalator that you can take trolleys on.
Sadly, there were also a McDonald's and a Kentucky Fried Chicken that were doing a roaring trade.  Is nothing sacred?  There were also several stores with the word "DARKY" prominently displayed.  I'm guessing, from an examination of the contents, that it means "Toys", rather than an old fashioned racist slur.  Oh, and the entire MALL has these trolly-friendly escalators:

Oh, and apparently Prague is where the mutant Croc-midgets live.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a bit surreal!
