Sunday, November 9, 2014

Flashback to Monday

 There was a while there when there didn't seem to be any decent-speed WiFi to be had, and I didn't bother uploading all the pictures I took.  Well, as I sit here in Prague Airport (Terminal 2) waiting for my flight to Amsterdam (and thence Detroit), I have ample time and decent internet, so why not upload those orphan photos while they're still fresh in my mind?  So take a walk with me into the recent past of 3 November, the day when I would fly to Bristol in the evening.  First you see a giant billboard just round the corner from my hotel.  I think this is actually a brewery.
 Big, it is.
 All of the sidewalks/pavements in Prague look like this, with many different patterns.  Each stone tile looks individually hand-quarried, and the patterns change every few yards.  It gives you a good reason to stare at your feet as you walk along.  (That, and the copious amounts of dogshit.)
 These are actually two of the more boring ones, but when I saw the more ornate ones later, I was too blase.  Sorry.
 The statue by the metro station just over the river from my hotel.
 Somebody's grumpy...
 I have honestly no idea what's going on here.  Klaus Kinski getting Kloned by the looks of things.
 Here you have Prague in a nutshell.  Amazing beautiful huge wooden door all covered with graffiti.
 Prague loves bookshops.
 As usual, I have no idea where this is.  It's a square by a central bus station, I'm pretty sure.  But I couldn't read the maps and I just wandered around.
 More wonderful doors with graffiti aplenty.

 Remember, I just walked around, so this is relatively near the touristy part.  They don't really try to hide their less salubrious side.
 Warm toes and warm memories.
 I believe I have remarked on Prague's affair with Absinth(e).
 Starsky and Hutch just wouldn't work in Prague.  I got a bit of a sharp look after taking this, but apparently I look harmless.
 Why do Czechs hate children?  Why must they scar their little psyches?
 According to a white dreadlocked and beard-beaded bike-riding American, who seemed to be leading an impromptu tour, the basement of the Hard Rock Cafe dates back to the 9th century.  Makes you think, eh?
 Here we approach what I THOUGHT was Wenceslas Square, but is, in fact, Old Town Square.

 Packed with tourists it was.  In fact, in general, you can walk round Prague relatively unmolested until you get to certain tourist hotspots, when it suddenly becomes an incredible crush.  The Charles Bridge is the worst.

 That's the castle that I wouldn't get to until yesterday.

 Jolly sailormen.  As jolly as one can be when one looks like Andy Pandy.

 And here we are on the Charles Bridge.  At one point crossing this, I got physically lifted and moved (with no explanation or apology) because some film crew was filming something and I was standing right where the cameraman was backing up to.

 Approaching the castle side of the Charles Bridge, dodging the various caricaturists and Crusty Jugglers.

 I believe the correct phrase is WTF?  This is walking along the river on the castle side, back out to my hotel.
 For scale.
 Probably around 4 PM.
And this is what a signpost looks like in Prague.  Just so you know.

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