Sunday, November 2, 2014

A walk in the mist 3: Castly things

Fortunately the spell in the Soviet past was short, and we move further back into the past.
 I do love a gnarly tree.
 This looks like a cosmonaut, but must just be an airman.  Pretty futuristic looking, though, and right next to the observatory.
 THIS observatory.
 A funicular.  I think it takes you to the castle.  I may have to investigate more if I have time later.
Not THE castle, which is much grander, but castl-ish.
 Dunno what this is, but you can pay to go up it.  As it was so misty (and I had to get back) I didn't try today.  I did try to use the bathrooms (or WC as they call them here, although I'm not sure how you say it) but they demanded money and I figured I could hold it.
 There was a little museum in the basement.
 There are so many splendid buildings that look vaguely abandoned.  I think Czechs spend the money on public transport and healthcare, the crazy bastards.
 There was money for paint on this.
 Who were they trying to keep out?


The Cushanderingsons said...

That wall in the last picture is just the old city wall that once encircled all of Prague (aka Praha). That's why I thought it was around the castle and that, the thing at the top of the hill (which you can get to in the funicular) was the castle--but it isn't. The castle is way on the other side of town-get legging it.

Unknown said...

This bit looks lovely.
