Sunday, January 1, 2017

Studio Clean Up

It's a beautiful day--a great way to start a new year, and the perfect sort of weather to clean house, clear out old stuff no one wants and to get organized. I went to grandma's house and collected some of her cast offs (glass for mosaicking as well as glue, grout and mastic). She told me she had "some glass" she didn't need. I had no idea it would be enough to fill my car, and required 10 trips from my car to the basement. Normally I don't use precut pieces as I prefer to cut my own but recently Frederick has developed a keen interest in mosaicking and precut pieces are perfect for him, since we don't have to mess about with cutting, and precut pieces don't have sharp edges. This (and the dozens of other baggies of precut pieces I have in boxes) will keep us busy in the long winter months ahead.Right now all the boxes are on the floor (not ideal) or piled on my work table (not going to work). I've decided to build up a set up 6 or 7 rows of shallow shelves to cover up this hole in our wall created by the bozos who installed our reverse osmosis filter.