Sunday, January 29, 2017

And the next mosaic project IS....

Inspired by the corals that are flourishing in my tank, I decided to create a coral mosaic. I'd made the frame a long time ago (it's about 4' x 4'), probably two years ago, but thought I wanted to make an abstract/cubist sort of thing. But I lost interest about a third of the way through and, after chipping all that off the surface, I left the empty frame substrate lonely and ignored in the basement for about a year. A month ago or so I had a flash of insight to do a huge close-up of the zoanthid polyps on corals (those are the little "mouths" that open up at night and catch food floating past their massive reef housing units). The plan is to make the polyps in ceramics and glass mosaic their "bodies" and the background. Here are about one fourth of the ceramic polyps:I have about 400 or 500 more to make, I think. (Keeping in mind the clay shrinks about 15% each time it's fired.) Once I know I have enough (more, in case of incidents and accidents) I'll glaze them. Sylvester isn't helping, though I know he thinks otherwise.