Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Amazing high winds last night: we still have ornaments in the tree outside, or at least we did.  Now at least half of them are scattered all over the front yard.  You should have heard the din the little birds who live in that tree were making - it was like the screaming you hear on a roller coaster.
Then, at about 10:45, I heard a really loud "CRUNCH".  I looked outside to see if one of the branches from the big tree in the back yard (that Grandpa looks up at gloomily when he's meant to be relaxing in the hammock) had finally come down, but no sign.  Turns out it was a GIANT (I mean small tree-sized) branch falling on the next-door-but-one's garage.  They've actually lived here longer than us (and we've lived here since June 1999!) so we do know them, and today I pottered round and said I'd come by with the chainsaw over the weekend and steal the wood.  But I didn't take a photo, so you'll have to wait till then for photographic proof of the carnage.

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