Friday, December 30, 2016

Lunch with Gammy

The year is almost over and in part to celebrate all the good things that have happened and in part just for fun, today Grandma took Thomas and I out for lunch. The plan was originally to go to Fenton and eat at the world famous French Laundry but as we were just about to exit the 69 and slide onto the I23 on ramp I noticed bumper to bumper traffic stretching on as far as all our eyes could see. So, change in plan, and a quick detour across lumpy frozen dirt while we swerved back onto the 69. Eventually we got turned around in the right direction and headed back downtown Flint. Since neither Thomas nor Grandma had ever eaten at 501 Bar and Grill (apparently it is an official Martini Bar) I suggested we head there. It was the right choice: not too crowded, and the food was delicious--and so were the desserts!

Rumor has it that Thomas is heading back to The Windy City any minute (I did warn him that Flint would seem mighty dull after a few months in Chicago). It was great to have someone with his..."energy level" (his propensity for dramatic room entrances has not lessened) but I will not miss doing all the extra laundry he spawns.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy faces! Happy New Year...
