Thursday, January 19, 2017

Near the Home Stretch

I started working on this just after I got out of the hospital in May, after the appendectomy. I was walking around through the neighborhood and all the wild grasses growing along the creek a few streets over had really great seed heads and the idea of a giant tile mosaic popped into my head. I had to make up about 50 pounds of clay first, before I could even get started. Once I rolled out a giant pastry-dough of clay I pressed the grasses into it. Then it took about a month to dry enough to cut into pieces, and another two months to dry. THEN came the firing. It's far more nerve-wracking firing a 30-odd piece set as if any one shatters, that pretty much kills the whole thing. In the middle of the firing my kiln broke down (as reported in an earlier post). Then I had to make the frame I mounted it on. That's my least favorite part as, if it looks crappy, the whole thing looks crappy no matter how good the ceramics look.I attached the tiles yesterday and the adhesive is still setting. (Those were big, heavy tiles.) It'll be another two days before I can hang it up. As usual the question then is: where to hang it? We're are pretty much out of wall space in the house so, I guess ANOTHER thing for my office.