Tuesday, January 24, 2017

And there it goes..

Today after dropping Frederick off at Emily's I came home to find both ducks with something to say. I went in the backyard to find out what was bothering them (usually it's squirrels but they have had that gopher, several different cats and a very hungry looking hawk visit them, so I usually try to make time to at least check things out). Today Pretzel led me to THIS in his pond!

And then he showed me THIS!

This tree had been lopped long before we moved here 17 years ago, and for years it was intact with bark, and not only hid the back end of our yard but also grew seedlings and provided a home for hundreds of animals (billions, of you count very small things).

Well, no more. Several interior homes are now empty.

Ugh. That back corner of our yard is not pretty. We need another 200 year old oak tree NOW.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is it in the pond?
