Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What fresh Hell is this?

So.  We elected a reality TV show host as president, as we know.  And apparently, he thinks the methods of reality TV can be transferred fairly seamlessly to government because yesterday he announced that he had decided whom (and you know he didn't say "whom") his supreme court nominee would be... and he would announce that name at EIGHT TOMORROW IN PRIME TIME!  Not only that, but apparently, just to keep us guessing, he is flying in several of the people on the shortlist!  So these people, all respectable long-serving judicial figures (thank God - he could have just picked Scott Baio), are being flown in, perhaps to parade in bathing suits for the cameras, and then several of them will discover it was all a waste of time.  NOT ONLY THAT, but (I shit you not) I (and presumably EVERYBODY IN AMERICA) just got this email in my own personal email folder:
JUST IN CASE we were thinking of trying to avoid this shit show. 
This is a dream, right?  It's all a terrible, terrible dream.


XYoshiAipomX said...

This blog has gotten too political! Put this stuff on Facebook like all the other old people do

Monika said...

Come to South Africa - our politics is all now running very smoothly post apartheid :)

The Cushanderingsons said...

I'm with Thomas, I mean, YoshiAipom--I don't read this simply to irritate my gi tract. I want fluff and fun--where are the puppies, ducklings, and bunnies?

Unknown said...

Not to mention the kittens..

Sometimes the pain just bursts out.
