Friday, January 6, 2017

Already blown it

As our loyal reader(s) might have noticed, there has been a greater frequency of posting of late.  A bit of backstory: every year when I was little I used to get one of those pocket diaries (with a skinny little pencil in the spine) in my stocking.  And every year I would intend to use it regularly to keep a record of the parade of delights that was my young life.  And I never did.  Until one year (1985 it was) I actually resolved to do it, and did it!  Now, looking back, each entry is pretty drab (and there's not much you can squeeze into those little rectangles anyway, particularly with my scrawl) but I actually am able to bring to mind many of the events that I would otherwise have long forgotten.  So, Jami and I resolved to do the same with the Blog.  And it's a stretch.  And yesterday we forgot.  But I did take pictures on a walk with Frederick, so that sort of counts, right?  And I don't want to give up after LESS THAN A WEEK.

Bloody cold it was (and is).

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