Friday, January 13, 2017

Finally, Thomas leaves

After several false starts, the day finally came: Thomas heads back to college for Semester 2.
Seconds before his train arrived Thomas noted that his e-ticket had my name on it rather than his (I had paid for it, and obviously they thought the person paying was the traveler). I had flashbacks to the United Airlines debacle from this summer, when his passport name didn't match his airline ticket name and we ended up almost $3000 poorer for THAT mistake. This time, thought, the ticket master simply took his original ticket and, after messing about on his keyboard, handed Thomas a new ticket. And that was that.
A few hours later Thomas texted to let us know that (a) he was home, (b) his roommate was not back yet from holiday break (yay!) and (c) he was hungry.  VERY hungry.  The house seems very quiet without him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He was quiet when here.
