Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ice and Rain

So, I'm teaching a class that begins at 7:40 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Or at least, in theory. In practice, it's week 3 and we've met once, because THREE classes have been canceled because of bad weather. First it was snow (a very minor dusting - I think people canceled just because they had snow day credits to burn), then, last Thursday it was wet and balmy so I got into class and only started to wonder when it was 7:45 and nobody was there, and checked my email, and sure enough class had been canceled again, because the temperatures were about to plummet.  (Of course, my 11 AM class was NOT canceled, and by then they HAD plummeted and the roads were deadly.)  Then THIS morning, once again, we had the ice/rain combination, only this time in the opposite order.  I have an eager student assistant who is getting increasingly disillusioned.  Here's what the back yard looks like:

We'll draw a veil over the flooding in the basement...