Sunday, June 11, 2017

Where in the world is Thomas Cushing?

I got word from both Thomas and Cody, our student and his travel mate, that they had arrived in Boulder Colorado without any further incident yesterday. Thomas texted to let me know that he was alone on the open road and Cody to let me know that he had successfully checked into his dorm and met his seminar mates (who were, apparently, "cool" but also alarmingly ambitious). I didn't hear anything from Thomas until VERY late that night, around midnight our time, when he let me know that (a) he had gotten hopelessly lost (no cell phone and therefore no gps coverage when one goes off the beaten track in Colorado he now knows) and so was not able to find a campsite before dark and so had to get a motel room. This seemed to depress Thomas inordinately as he was determined to do the trip cheaply and succeed independently, living off the land, and so forth. I assured him that no adventure would be complete without mishaps and so far, a trip without sickness, injury or severe allergic reaction or vehicle breakdown (none of which he has experienced) was a damn good experience. Although I have no idea where Thomas is at any given moment, I can plot his course by following charges at gas stations as he uses the credit card to fill up or when he makes pit stops to stock up on food supplies. Earlier today he spent a few bucks at Walgreens #15022 on Pine Grove Road in Steam Boat Springs Colorado, charming town that looks like this. If I had to bet money, I would guess he is headed to Dinosaur National Monument and then is going to continue west to Salt Lake City and then north to Craters of the Moon National Monument.

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