Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Trip, part 3

 Well, getting in to Florence was unexpectedly sweat-inducing, as we pulled out of the first attempt to land because of too-high wind.  Here are some views of Florence and environs from above:
 As you can tell, it's been a ridiculously hot June, a fact confirmed by my very nice taxi-driver:
 Tiny airport:
 Tiny taxi, tinier streets.  Yes, Italian drivers are as advertised.  To paraphrase an old professor of ours, in the US, lane markings dictate metaphysically distinct regions.  In Italy they're just paint on the road.
 The Hotel, while inconvenient for both the airport and the place the conference is being held, is undeniably stunning.  Here's the courtyard:
 And this is where you check in:

 My bathroom:
 My bedroom:
 And best of all, the view out of the window.  I believe that's the Arno:

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