Sunday, June 4, 2017

Coop, blah, blah, blah

Last night it was set to rain (it's still very, very hot and humid here) so the coop needed a roof. Fortunately, Emily's mom had left over corrugated tin roofing (which I think is now made out of aluminum, but people call it tin) and gave me that to use--which was great as otherwise I would have had to spend way too much money to buy a buttload of shingles and only used a tenth of the package. (You can't buy building materials in the quantities appropriate for 2' x 2' houses, I have found). Cutting the metal sheeting with a circular saw makes an extremely unpleasant noise, so I was glad to be done with that. It is also much more difficult that one (me) would think possible to nail the bits down. Nails just seem to bounce right off--and it doesn't help to be doing it standing on a ladder and straining to reach the middle bits. But, it's done: Today I finished with the left side and rear wall, insulating and building the outer skin (as I think of it). Tomorrow I am going to work on the floor: roof flashing (which is incredibly cheap), which will require cutting more metal bits. Oh joy.

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