Saturday, June 24, 2017

Traipsing round Florence, part 1

The view of the hotel from the swimming pool deck:
Waiting for the shuttle:
In Florence now.  On the south side of the Arno, trying to get up to the Piazzale Michelangelo, which is high above the city and whence the whole of Florence is laid out.  (Spoiler: I won't get there.) On the way, a towery thing.  Not open until the evening.
Looks pretty terrifying inside:
See: I really was here.
Very goth.  Don't know what's causing that effect but it looks like the stone has cancer:

The steps that WOULD lead up to the Piazzale Michelangelo.  But they had tape in front of them, and in fact every possible route was blocked, because today is a BIG HOLIDAY and they're setting up fireworks for tonight.  Phooey.
Still, nice flora:
Walking along the river towards the old part of town.
They have fancy lampposts here:
I didn't know Martin Luther lived here.  Live and learn, I say.
As the Charles bridge is to Prague, the Ponte Vecchio is to Florence:
Apparently, the only shops that can afford the rent are jewelers
The View From The Bridge...
...partially obstructed.
Told you it was called that.  You can see the view out of the back window.  That's how they get you.

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