Thursday, June 22, 2017

Someone has to stay home and take care of things

Not everyone gets to sit on their backside eating $50 pizza dinners. So, to while away the empty hours here, I have been continuing work on the chicken zone, as it is known. The fencing is up--wouldn't hold in a dog, but certainly strong enough for chickens. (They are very suggestible.)

Here you can see their new sandbox (I will get sand tomorrow--too hot today to run around anywhere) which will be their dust bathing area. No more ruined flower beds because they need a dust bath!

And the ducks are so, so happy to have THEIR yard back to themselves. They don't even mind that they aren't allowed into the chicken zone. (Well, I think they do, but they pretend they don't.)

The best part is that now, if I need to run back and forth from the garage to the backyard, I don't have to mess about opening and shutting the gate for fear of losing a mob of chickens. (It only takes one to get a bright idea and the others all tag along. Of course trying to herd them back into the yard once they realize to their horror that they are in unfamiliar territory is extremely tiresome.) They are going nowhere.

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