Saturday, June 24, 2017

First One In Gets to Crap in the Sand!

Jimmy was coerced into doing a Home Depot run and secured five bags of play sand. I expected five bags to be more than enough, to create a huge heaping pile. Yet as I emptied each bag into the box the pile got no bigger. Well, good enough for now. That's Zippy The Adventurous nosing (?) about the sand, desperately curious as to what it is about. The rest of the hens are busy moonwalking about in the straw looking for a tasty morsel. (Chimples is terrible tired and keeps collapsing in a heap, dying for just a bit of a nap. Yet every time something happens (a duck squawks, a squrrels chatters angrily in a tree, a truck rumbles past the house) he drags himself upright, does a bit of patrolling, and then collapses again.) Once Zippy goes in, the rest will follow.

Last night Zippy pulled some nonsense at bedtime, leaping wildly off the top of the coop ladder onto the fence and out into the main part of the yard. The others stood, astonshed, with their beaks hanging open. Of course once free, she had no idea what to do and ran about in a blind panic until she found the open gate to the chicken run, at which point she bolted inside, up the ladder and into the very, very back of the coop.

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