Monday, June 12, 2017

Backyard antics

Sylvester is feeling sorry for himself since the chickens have moved into the yard. It was bad enough that there were two ducks flaunting their access to the backyard fun while he was locked up inside the house. But suddenly there were five more giant birds just hanging around, doing nothing, while he is trapped inside. He makes every effort to escape that he can, but (so far) he is always caught. Today he was really squealing, desperately willing himself to transport through the window and into the yard. I looked to see what the fuss was, and there was a family of chipmunks who were enjoying the yard. We've never had chipmunks before (squirrels chase them off, but I think with the extra poultry food laying around, our yard has become a reserve for every local animal that is willing to eat crumbley food. Sylvester is not tempted by the red squirrels that control the trees in our yard (not the ground--that is entirely under the control of Pretzel) as they are extremely aggressive, and not much smaller than him. But these chipmunks are very snackable and highly tempting. And if that wasn't bad enough this little guy popped into the yard, just outside the window Sylvester was sitting in. There is an interesting heirarchy established among the birds. Pretzel is top bird, and Zachary (his sister-wife) is next in line. Then come the chickens, with Chimples first, and the rest far behind. Below the chickens are the starlings who live in massive clans within the wall of the old Family Video building. They work their asses off bringing food to their babies all day long and, when the ducks aren't looking, they steal food from the duck food dish. Yesterday I saw Pretzel chase all the chickens out of the bowl and while he was busy with them, a starling burst out of her house and zoomed down to take a snack from the dish. Below the starlings are the sparrows who try to sneak water from the duck pond. They work in groups, and when some are distracting Pretzel so the others can sneak a sip. As you can gather Pretzel's work is never done.

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