Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The perfect coop floor and an imperfect coop door

I have spent a lot of hours trying to figure out how to line the floor of the chicken house so that it will be easy to clean. Experience with the ducks has taught me that two birds produce more crap that any human would think possible--five chickens would be much, much worse. So, the floor needed to be cheap and easy to swab clean. Finally I thought of roof flashing: water proof, easy to cut to size and CHEAP. So that was good. Then today I tried out the door, which fit into the frame perfectly a few weeks ago, when it was cold and very dry. Now that it is very humid, the door sticks. So tomorrow I will have to shave off a bit of the top of the right side.

Incredibly, I am (for the most part) following a design that is described as a "weekend coop--easily put together in a few hours." Pfft. I'm still procrastinating on the right wall with the window.

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