Sunday, June 11, 2017

Coop Today

Yesterday it started warming up significantly, and today it is very warm. Tomorrow it is expected to be REALLY warm--95 F--too hot for a lot of yard work or coop construction. Nonetheless, the project must move forward. I have started working on the details, like locks and handles. Here is the front with fancy corner trim attached:I finally felt inspired enough to work on the window, which as vexed me since the project started. There is screen on the inside (hardware cloth it is called) to keep the chickens in and the weasels out. You can see how much light will come in from the side: Here it is from the outside. The chain allows the window to open but not flop about. I will get a lock to secure it in winter. The door and windows are not sealed up tight. I want to make sure that the noxious fumes from the chicken poop can escape and also that they get enough air to breathe. Apparently chickens sleep in a heap (again, unlike ducks, who sleep very tidily side by side) and have very fast metabolisms and so run hot and can keep each other warm. I have snuck a peep at them after they have put themselves to bed (they go to be VERY EARLY) and they are all huddled together off on one side. They do spend about 45 minutes shuffling around inside their house, arguing for positions. I have no idea how the decisions are settled, if the biggest one gets first pick--and what is the basis of the pick, anyway? What goes on inside their tiny brains?

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