Friday, June 16, 2017

Coop ready for chickens

But are they ready for this coop? The exterior isn't done, but I can do that even after they've moved in. So far they are hanging around it, but the real test is whether or not they can put themselves to bed in it tonight. They may have one last night in their old house tonight but tomorrow I am going to take apart their old coop so they will have to move in by tomorrow night. Their old coop is moving a few houses down the street and is going to be turned into a rabbit hutch. So what's next? Installing fencing:An old lady who lives next to Emily had this old fencing replaced with fancy new fencing. She seemed rather stunned that I would want it. she then started offering up all her old junk--pool tubing, some broken bricks--and when I make clear I wasn't the least bit interested, she became even more mystified. Some of the fencing is rotted and will end up along the giant green wall as decoration until it crumbles to nothing, but most is usable and can extend the chicken run quite a bit.

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