Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Trip, part 2

After a pleasantly efficient 7 hour red-eye flight (watched two movies: Logan, which is about all the X-Men dying off (spoiler: if you start the movie old and/or sick, you're not making it out alive) and Fantastic Beasts, which is about JK Rowling deciding she wants to milk Harry Potter just a leetle bit more, both with barely a plot other than one-damn-thing-after-another, but both ending with me tearing up. Good thing Thomas wasn't around, he would have lost what shred of respect for me he might still have) and landed in AMSTERDAM.
I'm sure I've stopped off here before - it all looks VERY familiar.
I approve of these tiny paperback/hardback hybrids, with horizontal text:
I approve even more of the HUGE STACKS of Tintin and Asterix.
Other Dutch-y stuff:
And tulips both fake...
...and genuine.  My wallet remained steadfastly closed, however.
What the Dutch are reading these days (does not speak particularly well of them):
Next stop, FLORENCE.

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