Saturday, August 14, 2010

The vacation winds to an end...

This town doesn't have book stores or yarn stores--it doesn't even have a Game Stop--but it does have Miniature Golf. Thomas has had his eye on this place since we first pulled into town, and today was (finally) the day.
It was also a great site for the latest YoshiFilms 1337 piece.
I'm not sure what the point of this scene is, but I am sure it will all make sense after the final edits.
There were many water hazards here (described on the billboards as "hazzards") and, not too surprisingly, Thomas hit his ball right into one of the rivers and it flowed into the large lake. Given that this happened on hole 3, this was more than a bit disappointing. Not to be cheated from the remaining 15 holes of golf, Thomas took off, waded into the lake (an alarming blue--NOT like the waters of Lake Superior) and retrieved a ball--but not his--and we played on.
This was amazing. For this hole you had to tee off inside a drippy cave, have the ball avoid the rocks cemented onto the green, and pop it into the hole at the bottom of a hill. Thomas saw a great film shot and asked me to film while he putted from offscreen. Then, just because it was too unlikely to be possible, Thomas nailed the shot and got a hole in one. I would like to say that I got the whole thing on film but the viewfinder on his Flip is so damn small, I couldn't see where the ball was...but I did get MOST of it on film. (Based on Thomas's reaction to my filming, I think he well deserves the reputation of being a "difficult director.")
Of course after coming back to the hotel we swam once again. But now we are exhausted (I am) and are ready for bed. (I am more than a little anxious about the magic marker stains Frederick is leaving on the sheets he slept in. They claim to be "washable" so I hope I don't find surprising "additional fees" tacked onto my VISA bill.) Tomorrow all we have to do is pack up and drive home. [And for those that need to know, Thomas's double scoop in a waffle cone today was Moose Tracks and Yooper Island Fudge.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Safe journey....
