Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back To the Hotel...

After the boat tour ended, we stopped by the nearest pastie shop, Muldoon's. Captain Joe strongly recommended it (it, along with everything else in town is Award Winning), even praising the vegetarian model, which piqued Thomas's curiosity. I couldn't imagine anything less appetizing than a pile of hot veggies baked in a pastry after being cooked on a boat but Thomas was interested and he isn't interested in food often so I didn't want to pass that opportunity by. Unlike the deli in Portland OR that he and I visited, Muldoon's didn't supply pasties quite as large as one's head, but they were damn big. Thomas managed about 3/4 of his, and the rest (along with a second) are now in storage in our hotel room fridge for his dinner later on. We got to the hotel room about 3:30 and it was all I could do to force some food into Frederick before he took off for the pool. Frederick busied himself with the frog slide and the hot tub while Thomas eyed the 100' slide. After 5 or so minutes of hemming and hawing he made up his mind: he was going to do the challenge.
55 minutes, 1204 steps and 5,200 feet of sliding later, Thomas (here) finishes his 52nd trip down. The attendant (a 20-something, bored dude who was working his way through Atlas Shrugged when he wasn't telling kids to walk and wait their turn) took down Thomas' name and snapped his pic. We'll be expecting to see his certificate on the Wall of Fame sometime soon.
Frederick takes his final lap around the pool before we head up to the room for more food and relaxation...
...and a dip in the in-room whirl pool.
I told Thomas that this was like a bathtub and that he could go in naked, but that idea shocked and appalled him. Frederick has no such issues and is enjoying the tub very much.


The Cushanderingsons said...

Believe it or not, I am very envious. My body refuses to let me sleep in and woke me with a start at exactly the time F. would be rattling the bedroom door. How late did he sleep for you?
(It's pretty steamy down here, too, I can tell you.)

Jami Anderson said...

I worried last night that Frederick would not sleep well because of the strange bed, room and possible hallway noises, but he slept like a rock. He also woke up very cheerful at and not too unreasonable hour of 6:30. After checking up on me he then got back into bed and read, drew and sang until around 8:45. Thomas claims that he was awake the whole time but, unless he has taken up snoring while being wide awake, I say he slept until 8:45, which was when I started getting food prepped. Thomas got dressed and headed down to the "breakfast room" (a treasure trove of food packed with gluten--donuts, muffins, cereals with marshmallows in them, make-you-own-waffles) and loaded a plate deep and high while Frederick and I stayed in the room. Thomas brought his plate up to the room (the strange people in the breakfast room gave him the willies--never mind "the flip flop family" that earned his resentment earlier in the day--and Frederick danced around the room doing an particularly energetic jig while Thomas folded entire waffles into his mouth. FINALLY we then went to the pool for the a.m. shift.

Unknown said...

No wonder they slept!!!
