Wednesday, August 11, 2010

They Said It Couldn't Be Done

For reasons that I can't remember, I decided that I would take Thomas and Frederick on a road tripp this summer while Simon was teaching. I know I wanted us to have some time together, but why I wanted that time together seems very unclear now. We set off this morning around 9:30 (about an hour earlier than I thought possible since Thomas sleeps until well after noon most days). I spent almost every waking hour this past week trying to figure out how to pack enough gluten/soy free food for Frederick. I'm still worried, but he hasn't starved yet. Here we are at the first rest stop (this is the one that Simon left Frederick's potty seat at on our last road trip, which was (I believe) 4 years ago. I looked, but it wasn't there. Notice Frederick tucking in to some very expensive GF crackers.
Here we are at another rest stop. Thomas is still not quite awake and Frederick is, yet again, enjoying his GF brown rice crackers.
Barely pauses eating crackers long enough to smile for photo.


The Cushanderingsons said...

You need to show how tiny the car is...

The Cushanderingsons said...

I'll take a photo of it parked next to the 50' tall lawn chairs in front of the hotel.

Unknown said...

Way to go...
