Saturday, August 14, 2010

More Morning Walking

Farther into the state park, we pulled over to walk the trail to Miner's Castle Overlook. The trail is just about right for Frederick, about 1/4 mile on boardwalks with signs every 200' telling us how much farther we have to go. Here we are, overlooking the overlook.
Frederick enjoys the breeze rustling through his hair. The weather was predicted to be rainy and overcast today--obviously it wasn't.
This is looking straight down from the overlook tower, across stunted trees (trees only about 8-10' high, barely managing an existence while clinging to the sandstone) into the water below. Yesterday, when it was overcast, the water was (just as it is always described in Swedish detective novels) "steel gray" but today it was a stunning turquoise--the absence of life forms in the water at work again. The thing about this view that most struck Thomas was that someone had managed to toss a dime just over the side of the railing and it landed on a 2" wide cliff shelf, just below our feet. What are the odds of it falling over, landing but not bouncing off into the water below? The mind boggles.
This is the same view I had in yesterday's post on the return trip on the boat tour.
Same place, slightly to the left.
Some people actually have little houses tucked into the woods, just next to the state park. I know it would be pretty ungodly in winter (we were informed that the ice covering these formations gets 3' thick) but it sure is idyllic now.


The Cushanderingsons said...

Were any of them for sale?

Unknown said...

Looks almost tropical.
