Wednesday, August 11, 2010

But Best of All

This hotel has a giant pool room complete with sauna, hot tub, Z-shaped pool with two slides. Here is Frederick trying out the small, frog slide.
Here he is, about to go down a 100' slide. I was more than a little anxious watching him climb up alone the first time.
But he made it--and many more times, too.
After flying through the air, landing in the water and surfacing, he joyfully swam to the side of the pool to climb out and do it again..and again...and again.
This was actually our second trip to the pool today. The first time, we all went in the pool but I didn't bring along my camera. We took a brief break, just long enough to find a Thai restaurant to satisfy Thomas's cravings for pad thai with fried tofu. The second time, Thomas waited while Frederick and I went in the pool, and this time I brought my camera along. Frederick swam happily, nay GLEEFULLY, for at least an hour, and it wasn't easy convincing him to leave the pool. He has a strange swimming style: he pushes off from a wall, drifts along the surface, face down, then suddenly dives to the bottom and creeps along like an underwater salamander. When he needs air he pushes off, breeches like a humpback whale, surfacing and twisting in the air, then sinks back to the bottom to creep along. When he does stay above the water, he sings The Octopus Song. We came back to the room and he had a bath and then climbed into his couch/bed and read through all his books. His eyelids started to flutter around 8:10 and by 8:30 he was out cold. Thomas has sworn to meet The Mile Challenge (52 trips down the 100' slide in one 24 hour period, thus 1 mile of sliding total) so I suspect we will be spending a LOT of time in the pool room. I wish I had brought a book along on this trip...


Unknown said...

Looks a seriously classy joint - will you ever get out of it?


Jami Anderson said...

I wouldn't exactly call it "classy;" the box spring has stains running down one side and, when we moved in and found that the toilet was blocked the guy at the front desk simply handed us a plunger in a grocery bag (I got the impression that he did that fairly routinely). But they sure know what middle class parents traveling with kids want: a big breakfast, a big pool (hot tub for the grownups with painful backs from driving all day), and big, quiet rooms that someone else is going to clean.