Friday, August 13, 2010

A Tour of the Painted Cliffs

This day was predicted to be hot like yesterday, but overcast. We still stocked up on sunscreen because I didn't want to take any chances. Here we are, just settling onto the boat, when everything is looking fine and dandy.
This took a grim turn about 2 minutes into the trip (which was predicted to last 2 hours and 40 minutes) when Thomas's Yoshi figurine fell off his seat and onto the toe of the woman sitting directly behind him. I took and instant dislike to her when she shrieked in pain, shouting, "Oh my GOD! My TOE! Oh, GOD!!!" Her mother-in-law (sitting behind me), joined in, "What's the MATTER?!?!" Her son (the husband), shushed her and said, "Nothing is the matter." (What the hell? Is he familiar with her dramatics?) But the old bag wouldn't drop it, insisting, "But SOMETHING must be wrong! She's yelling in AGONY!?!" Thomas looked like he wanted to melt into the floor. He apologized but she didn't seem to notice, just going on and ON about her damn toe.
Then about 15 minutes later the air pressure dropped, the wind dropped and it felt like we were in a steamer/pressure cooker. Frederick turned bright red, said, "Sick." and clutched his head. I wasn't actually trying to take a picture of the moment but was trying to get a pic of the coastline but it all hit suddenly. He laid down on the seat, resting his head on my lap (and kicking Thomas with his feet which, of course, prompted Thomas to shove back). Then, thank GOD, the air pressure changed, it started to rain just a spritz and Frederick perked right up. Thomas, having decided to risk bringing Yoshi back out of his bag, set to filming and soon cheered up, too.
And here are some of the cliffs we actually came to see.
And some more.


The Cushanderingsons said...

If you were a papparrazzo (sp.?) that "candid" shot of ailing Frederick and peevish Thomas would be worth thousands. "Brad hates Angie and she's having a breakdown!"

The Cushanderingsons said...

Will I ever see my Ikea messenger bag again?

Unknown said...

A bit too eventful??
