Friday, August 13, 2010

The 3 Hour Tour continues...

By now we were heading back at full speed. A 2 hour 40 minute tour is just about 2 hours too long for Frederick, but we managed--just about. I remember this from last time we were here; the tree is stationed on the pillar or sandstone, but has a trail of roots going back to the mainland from which it gets the nutrients it needs to survive. Apparently once upon a time a stone archway ran under the roots but that has long since collapsed.
More cool colors and shapes.
Thomas is filming the sites though I noticed that Yoshi's head slips into his viewfinder every few minutes.
Another view.
And another.
That's the Painted Rocks coastline on the right and, somewhere off to the left is Canada (about 170 miles away).
Thomas has better things to do than look at the scenery. Though he did say, once he was stuffed with ice cream and drifting about in the hotel hot tub that he enjoyed both tours and is glad we went. I'm not sure Frederick would agree but, perhaps just as well, he is keeping his opinion to himself. (That's the mother-in-law on the left edge of the photo--we now refer to that family as the "Tender Toe Trio".)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Impressive sights though.
