Friday, August 13, 2010

The Day Begins...

First things first, I must make beans for Frederick, which isn't easy in a hotel room with just a microwave. For future reference, I put a plastic steamer in a pyrex bowl, add an inch of water and a packete of beans and cover it with saran wrap.
It worked a treat.
Here we are, about to set out to the grocery store in search of writing pads (for Frederick to make notes on throughout the day), strawberries and sunscreen. The first place we went, Glen's Market was a dismal place with no window in the building--very dreary--and they had no sunscreen. Apparently they don't often need it up here and sold out a few weeks ago. Just how far north did we drive, anyway? Here you can see how my car measures up--or fails to--the more typical vehicle driven by Michiganders.
Here Thomas is sitting in one of the giant lawn chairs parked in front of out hotel. WHY they are there, we don't know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They like things on a grand scale up there!
