Saturday, July 2, 2016

Back 'Oop North, Thomas Tiptoes Through the Tulips

Thomas returned to Sheffield on the train yesterday, and today Granny sent these pictures and reported:
"Today we had hoped to go t Arbor Low, which is a small and fallen-down but no less ancient version of Stonehenge, up on the Peak District moors, but it rained intermittently throughout the day, so we shelved that idea. Instead, Peter was all set to go to the industrial museum at Kelham Island, taking along Martha (and a friend); then we found it is shut on Saturdays. So we looked up TripAdvisor, and Thomas liked the look of the Botanical Gardens: they were open, there is a cafe: we went. Here Thomas and Peter pass the renowned Herbaceous Borders."

"Here he is admiring the 90-yard long restored 1830s glasshouse, with its large collection of plants from many parts of the world. Unfortunately the cafe (in the original Curators house,) didn't do cream teas, but did provide a nice sticky ginger cake. (Today's cookery focused on soup, and turned out well)"

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