Friday, July 15, 2016

Flashback: Thomas in Tiverton

As we wait for Thomas to be bothered to upload the pictures he took in England from his phone (which he needs constantly for Pokemon Go purposes), we console ourselves with this, which Grandpa just discovered he forgot to send last week.
This is Thomas in the "historic market town" of Tiverton (in Devon, fairly near Exeter) where his great Grandma ("Gran") lived for many years before her death in 2014.  The arrow, added in a surprising display of computer competency by Grandpa (son of Gran) indicates the site of an incident which Grandpa will never let us forget: we were visiting Gran in either 2000 or 2001 and he took Thomas out for a walk.  They were gone for so long that it got dark and Gran, who could occasionally look on the darker side of life, was heard to say "he (Jeremy)'s probably stolen him (Thomas)"  When they finally returned, Grandpa recounted a visit to the river where Thomas happily pooped in it.  Whatever truth there is to this story, the arrow also indicates the pebbly stuff seen here in our second visit to England with Thomas, Summer 2001, which may or may not be the same day in question:
 In order, Thomas, Grandpa (seated), Gran, me (Simon).
Thomas always loved hurling stones into bodies of water.  But then, who doesn't?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aha! Home safe then.
