Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Thomas departs Blighty!

Well, Thomas's visit managed to presage the most serious governmental crisis in decades.  He arrives, the BREXIT referendum shocks everyone, and he departs on the day Theresa May takes power from the hapless David Cameron.  A sly smile plays about his lips as he thinks to himself "mission accomplished!"
(Granny accompanied him on the train to Manchester and sent this picture to prove that she'd done HER part, and if he didn't make it back, it was no fault of hers.  She even hung around afterwards (no doubt browsing in a Waterstone's) so he could call her if he had trouble on the Other Side of the security barrier, but his flight departed with nary a call, so we can only presume he is winging his way towards us.  Thanks, All in England!  With luck we get to sample the fruits of your culinary training!)


Unknown said...

Well, thanks Thomas. Now get home safely and do the same for Trump.


The Cushanderingsons said...

Trump is America's Brexit. Nobody really thinks people would be so driven by resentment and racial animus to ignore the catastrophic consequences...until it happens.

There's always Canada...

Unknown said...

Like Scotland Canada is cold. We probably won't move there but it is tempting. xM