Thursday, July 28, 2016

Greatness with brush

This Summer Jami signed me up for a watercolo(u)r class at the FIA that met for 5 successive Wednesday evenings.  I had to miss one class when Jami was picking up Thomas from Toronto airport, so yesterday was the last of four.  But as you can see from my final painting, I have RAW NATURAL TALENT:
I have to confess a couple of things.  First, the farmhouse and silo were copied from a book (shocking, I know).  Also, the instructor (Igor - he's Russian, naturally) touched up a couple of things, like the bush and the green to the right and left side of the silo.  But I'm responsible for everything else!  I'm most pleased about the shine effect on the silo - it actually looks like what it's supposed to!  I'm least pleased with the incredibly fake-looking leafless tree.  Leafless because I chickened out and didn't want to mess up the picture.  But there you go - a career of producing artwork for motel walls is within my grasp!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The light is lovely. Does Jami have a plan for your artistic development?
