Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Day Thomas Almost Does Grandpa In

Today Grandpa took Thomas to see Thomas's Tor (yes, named after Thomas, by Grandpa, who is inordinately fond of trotting about on Dartmoor, risking certain death by gigantic phantom hounds and various mires, Grimpen or otherwise). Here Thomas poses atop his namesake, clearly deep in thought. Is this everything Thomas was hoping for out of life?

Then, in Grandpa's own words, he writes, "If I had any sense that would have been it: about a mile from the car and then back again. But I had to try for a longer walk: another half mile to Great Links Tor." They made it, and here we see Thomas at the controls of the Tardis that was parked on top.  Er, I mean "clutching the old triangulation pillar" rather apprehensively (wheezed Grandpa).

But has Grandpa any sense? I think we all know the answer to that. What was an easy trot for Thomas was a hellacious ordeal for Grandpa. According to Grandpa he urged Thomas not to wait for him as he wheezed and gasped, so young Thos. cantered ahead, but never letting him out of sight, apparently a little worried that aged G. would pop his clogs (or rather, extremely comfortable fancy hand-made shoes that look like something out of the Asterix books) and leave him stranded miles from anywhere.   Happily, though, all lived to tell the tale.


Jeremy Cushing said...

I think I may recover

Unknown said...

Though he is in bed now (4.00pm).
