Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thomas's photos from England

He uploaded them here.  Click to view and please leave comments if you recognize them, because he will tell us NOTHING.
The pictures seem to be in chronological order.  The first 14 would seem to be of his initial Sheffield stay (I think I recognize the Sainsbury in the 15th (#143310) as a Southern Sainsbury's, but it is preceded by a dry stone wall).   Number 35 (#133831) is definitely on Dartmoor, but I'm not sure how far after that we're back 'oop North.  We're definitely there by number 52 (#110604) as that's the Dambusters location (and in fact, isn't that Peter's arm in number 41 (#152728)?).  So help me out!  (Granny makes an appearance in number 145954, and you can just see the back of Grandpa's head in number 32 (#125018) and he's way in the distance in number 35 (#135722).)


Unknown said...

Maybe Thomas doesn't remember. He got about a bit.


Jeremy Cushing said...

Obviously I only know the middle range. Numbering is very peculiar, as is dating - everything seems to have taken place in the small hours of June 27th. But ---
954 appears to be Jane, in front of some magnificent northern municipal splendour
744 Knightshayes House (see Wikipedia)
431 ditto: I think this is the room which was a shrine for the son who died in World War I
724 Hickling Cottage from the garden (deck)
106 ditto, the pool (no apples)
655 Knightshayes: the main hall from the balcony built for ladies to ogle the men
921 the lawn, I think probably at Castle Drogo
923 the vista from the terrace in front of Knightshayes House, with the haha in the middle distance (invisible, obviously)
040 ditto
353 Knightshayes, the house
134 one of the rooms in Knightshayes
342 the garden - at Killerton House, I think
758 the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter
659 appears to be a train going north from St David's Station, Exeter
835 Dartmoor: start of walk, Arms Tor on the horizon
728 ditto, flanks of Arms Tor
010 Thomas's Tor
037 Thomas's Tor and view to the north, including Great Nodden
831 Little Links Tor, I think
277 Grandpa struggling to keep up on the slope up from Thomas's Tor to Great Links Tor
929 old peat railway track
835 ditto
742 Stoke Woods (near us in Exeter)
541 ditto

The Cushanderingsons said...
